Face Lift

Face Lift

What is a Face Lift?

Face lift surgery is the best-known cosmetic facial surgical procedure and is still the gold standard in lower face and neck rejuvenation. Despite the abundant treatments and promises of the newer non-surgical treatments that aim to address skin and neck tightening, there is no non-surgical treatment that compares to the longevity and successful outcomes of the traditional facelift. 

Different patients and different doctors will call their procedure a facelift and there are many other names in the public domain that create confusion for clients such as small, medium, large, comprehensive, weekend, mini lift, tweak lift etc. however the principles of the treatments remain standard.

The term face lift implies the whole face is lifted up when in fact the traditional face lift involves a procedure with incisions in front and/or behind the ear and often under the chin. By definition a standard face lift tightens the lower half of the face and chin which aims to correct the cheek and neck appearance.

Some patients also require a combination of either a brow lift or eyelid surgery and if these procedures are all combined with a standard facelift then the term comprehensive face lift or full face lift is used at the Oral Facial & Implant Centre.

Dr John Webster will explain the small, medium and large versions of the face lift techniques. The smallest face lift (also known as the weekend face lift) is a conservative procedure suited to a small percentage of patients who have minimal concerns with jowls and the neck appearance and a small incision is all that is required to lift the cheek and improve the nasolabial lines and cheek contour.

Small face lift procedures are usually day surgery procedures where you will attend an accredited day surgery or private hospital for the procedure under general anaesthetic and return home on the same day. You will likely require a week off from work to recover.

Medium face lift (traditional face lift) and the large face lift (comprehensive face lift) procedures will also require you to attend an accredited day surgery or private hospital for the surgery under general anaesthetic and usually return home on the same day. Depending on the extent of the surgery you may need to stay overnight and be reviewed in the morning at the hospital prior to completing your recovery in the comfort of your own home. You will likely require two weeks leave from work and play to recover from a medium or large face lift procedure.

How has Face Lift surgery changed?

Face lift was developed over a century ago and has improved dramatically over this time, in particular within the last decade due to increased contemporary techniques and more access to training with world leaders and pioneers in the field of facial cosmetic surgery.

A generation ago face lift surgery would involve several days in hospital however now with control of bleeding and swelling, improved anaesthesia and advanced instruments such as the endoscopic brow lift.

Many clients in Australia have embraced dermal filler and anti-wrinkle injections to address the signs of aging however these treatments do not address excess or loose skin adequately without using too much dermal filler resulting in  an over-filled or overdone appearance.

Today’s clients are having more regular small treatments rather than a comprehensive face lift and rhinoplasty in one day. There is more acceptance and uptake of the small or weekend face lift to achieve the results that many thousands of dollars of dermal filler has not achieved. In fact many clients have smaller surgeries along the way to maintain the fresh youthful appearance rather than waiting to look aged before proceeding to surgery. The previous generation would wait to look old before proceeding to surgery, but that generation did not have such wide access to dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle treatments in Australia at that time.

Face lift surgery with Dr John Webster in  Toowoomba can also be refined post-surgery with the non-surgical treatments which may achieve some skin resurfacing or skin tightening after the excess skin and volume of the face has been restored resulting in the optimum face lift procedure for your face. 

How do you decide if a Face Lift is required and which one do you choose?

You know you are a candidate for a face lift when the jowls (excess skin under the cheeks) and neck skin begins to sag down. Put simply, if have been thinking about a face lift or lifting up your jowls in the mirror you probably could benefit from a face lift. 
To get an idea of how you may look with a facelift, lie on the floor on your back, lift your chin to the ceiling and hold a mirror over your face. If you also use your index finger to lift your cheek back upward toward your temporal region then this counteracts the effects of gravity and can simulate the basic improvements of the face and neck that can be achieved with traditional face lift surgery.

How long does a traditional Face Lift last?

The effect of turning back the clock with face lift surgery will last a lifetime as you will always look younger than your age. However, we can’t stop the clock and you will continue to age. As you age the tightened tissues from the face lift procedure will begin to slowly sag again with time and you may require a further tweaking procedure in the future.

No facial surgeon can guarantee how long a cosmetic procedure will last however one thing can be safely said and that is face lift surgery will last longer than any non-surgical treatment and sometimes the costs of both are comparable therefore one is often a better long-term investment than the other. Each client has their cosmetic journey and some need to experiment with the non-surgical treatments before considering the long-term benefits of face lift surgery. At the Oral Facial & Implant Centre, Dr Webster will consult with you and assess your suitability for cosmetic surgical procedures to non-surgical methods with the aim to achieve your desired goals. Dr Webster will guide you on the evidence of longevity of different new and older technologies in the complex world of non-surgical facial cosmetic procedures.

Does your hair need to be cut for the Face Lift procedure?

No.  Dr John Webster will aim to preserve the natural appearance of your hairline and your hair and discuss options with you as all patients are different.

Can you have Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) and Genioplasty (chin surgery) at the same time as Face Lift procedure?

Yes. Dr John Webster’s preference is that Face Lift and Genioplasty (chin augmentation) surgery go hand in hand as they utilise the same incisions and can be completed during the same procedure time.  Whilst cosmetic rhinoplasty can be done on the same day it is wise to have the face lift surgery and genioplasty completed and then allow swelling and healing to have occurred before correcting the nose. Often once the facial profile and appearance is amended with the face lift +/- genioplasty procedure there is no need for a rhinoplasty procedure to achieve your desired cosmetic outcome.

If you are considering this comprehensive large face lift treatment in one day then it is best to discuss the advantages and disadvantages with Dr John Webster at your initial consultation.

How can you arrange a consultation to discuss Face Lift surgery?

If you would like to know how we can help you further, or to book a no obligation consultation with Dr John Webster.

Please phone 07 4580 4733 or alternatively request an appointment now online. All patients seeking cosmetic surgery must have a referral from their usual GP or if that is not possible, from another general practitioner or specialist medical practitioner. A referral is not required for Non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

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