Neck Lift

Neck Lift

What is a Neck Lift?

Many patients present having fought the effects of aging in the facial region but remained concerned about the neck area where the non-surgical treatments have not been as effective. 

Neck Lift is a confusing term as most of the neck lift or skin tightening required is part of the traditional face lift procedure (refer to Face Lift section). Patients will make complain of the excess skin in the neck area as indicated like the lady in the photo below of wanting the skin tightened, or of bands in the neck, or of excess fat in the area under the chin.

A Neck Lift is a broad term used to define the treatments available to manage the common complaints above. The Face Lift will treat the jowling and tighten the skin across the neck. An extra incision is required under the chin to access the midline where the thin muscles of the neck (called the platysma) can be tightened together to remove the platysma bands in the anterior neck region.

Excess fat is the other common problem and this can be superficial or deep to the plasyma layer so a combination of liposculpture or excision may be required to address this component of your presentation.

How do you know if a Neck Lift is required and what treatments do you choose?

You know you are a candidate for a neck lift when the neck creases and excess submental tissue (under chin) is improved when you can tighten the skin with gentle traction on the neck skin under your ear lobes and place your tongue to the palate (roof of the mouth) with your mouth closed. This simulates part of what is achieved in the Neck Lift. If you cannot achieve the appearance you are after with this manoeuvre, then you may also need liposculpture (liposuction) to remove and contour the remaining fat. You may also need the platysma muscles edges tightened if there are bands in the anterior neck.

At your initial consultation with Dr John Webster at the Oral Facial & Implant Centre in Toowoomba he will review four key areas that will help determine what surgery, if any, is required to achieve your desired results.


  • Your suitability for cosmetic surgery
  • Your desired appearance and treatment expectations
  • Your general health and well-being
  • Your ability to take time off work/play to allow appropriate recovery time


No two Neck Lift procedures are the same as no two necks are identical in every way, however the core principles of excess skin, excess fat and platysmal muscles bands are the three areas that need to be addressed. It is important that Dr John Webster takes the time to discuss all of the above four points with you extensively, to ensure the right treatment is tailored to your specific face and lifestyle.

Before and After Neck Lift (Face Lift, Liposcuplture and Excsion of Fat, No Implants)

Are there other non-surgical treatments for cosmetic issues in the neck area?

Yes. First and foremost are weight loss and overall health and well-being. 

Losing the extra fat naturally before any liposculpture is important otherwise just removing the fat can leave behind excess skin.

Liposculpture is an interchangeable term with liposuction that recognises that the facial surgeon is actual performing artistic re-contouring of the fat instead of just removing fat.

Although excess fat removal is a positive change, taking away too much fat can leave unpleasant cosmetic deformities. Fat is not always the enemy and leaving the proper amount of fat under the skin is extremely important. In some individuals there are genetic fat deposits in the submental (chin) region or the fat can also descend through aging.

Other non-surgical treatments for fat excess is available via an injectable drug than reduce the fat in this region and redefine the jawline and in mild cases eliminate the double chin without surgery.  Should you be suitable for treatment Dr Webster will also discuss non-surgical options with you during your consultation.

Other non-surgical treatments are ultrasound and radio-frequency ablation technology whereby the principles are to slightly heat the tissues which can simultaneously tighten the skin and reduce the volume of fat.

Overall the non-surgical treatments can provide reasonably good results for mild cases  and for younger patients yet never have the longevity of the surgical face and neck lift procedures. Therefore, reviewing the evidence and discussing those four key areas during the initial consultation with Dr John Webster will go a long way to helping decide which is the correct treatment for you and your neck cosmetic concerns.

How is Neck Lift surgery performed?

Due to the range of procedures described above it is best to split these treatments:

1. Face Lift – see our website section which describes the procedure and recovery duration. The surgical excision skin is required if excess or loose neck skin is the issue.

2. Neck Liposcuplture – required a small puncture hidden under the chin. Small precision liposuction cannulas are used with a suction machine to remove the unwanted superficial fat.
Before and After Double Chin Submentoplasty and Chin Implant

3. Excess Fat Excision– slightly larger incision than for liposculpture described above but in the same position. Excess fat is removed and can also be taken from the deeper layers. It is important to leave enough fat tissue to maintain a natural healthy appearing volume under the skin.

4. Platysma Bands Removal – similar incision used in excess fat excision in point 3 but tunneling under the skin and suturing of the bands together in the midline can achieve the desired result.

5. Chin Implant – using the same incision as above and a customised chin implant can be positioned to improve the profile and support of the skin tissues once excess fat is removed. The implant is fixed to the anterior mandible (chin).

The other non-surgical techniques are discussed further in our website section on  Non-surgical Face Lift .

Your main issue is the fat under the chin – can that be addressed without Neck Lift?

Yes. The term is submentoplasty (under chin augmentation) and requires the single hidden incision under the chin to remove fat via liposculpture or excision of fat or platysma band tightening or a combination of all three.
Before and After Submentoplasty and Chin Implant

 In addition, consideration is always given to a chin implant or genioplasty (chin surgery) as this can dramatically change the appearance and support the skin without having to have complete face lift, neck lift or orthognathic surgery.

Only Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (What is an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon?) have the qualifications and training of the various bone and soft tissue options you have to achieve your desired results. Most cosmetic and plastic surgeons do not regularly do orthognathic or facial corrective surgery at a bone level and sometimes no amount of non-surgical or surgical soft tissue surgeries can hide or correct a bone level problem.

How can you arrange a consultation to discuss Neck Lift surgery?

If you would like to know how we can help you further, or to book a no obligation consultation with Dr John Webster please phone 07 4580 4733 or alternatively request an appointment now online.

Note: All patients seeking cosmetic surgery must have a referral from their usual GP or if that is not possible, from another general practitioner or specialist medical practitioner. Please note a referral is not required for Non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

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